Our recruitment approach
Life sciences is the industry that requires the most talented and engaged people. With a talented team, your business can achieve great results. We recruit such teams.

300+ candidates can apply for your position. Only two, or perhaps three of them, are truly suitable candidates from
this three hundred.

So how do we find them? This is our approach.
  • Investigate who you need
    We create an extensive profile of the position: there are 25+ metrics for evaluating candidates. You are given a comprehensive overview of every candidate. Our task is to explain to you why we believe the candidate is a good match.
  • Create an active search strategy
    We compile a search map with all potential companies where our candidate may be located and conduct an active search.
  • Perform an in-depth evaluation
    We evaluate the candidates based on the profile that has already been drawn up. This is the primary tool used by the agency and the hiring manager.
  • We present only the candidates who match at 97%
    From 300+ profiles, we will interview 30-50 candidates. You will be given 5-10 highly skilled candidates who 97% match the job profile. You pre-select and meet only the candidates who are of your interest.
The Process
  1. Building the position profile
  2. Gathering market information
  3. Developing the search strategies
  4. Conducting a search for candidates
  5. Contacting and Selling your position
  6. The agency's assessment and selection process
  7. Presentation of candidates to the client with detailed briefing
  8. Calibration of the profile, if needed
  9. Final selection
  10. Job Offer
  11. Start of the candidate in the company
  12. Payment
You can free replace one Candidate during the trial period.
Why choose us
97% of our candidates have been working for the company for 1+ years
Finding the most potential people
Building strong and happy teams, united by common values and approaches to work
300+ candidates in the funnel
Deep assessment of 25+ metrics
1.5 months on average for search and selection
Active market research
Using the sourcing and networking tools
Saving your time: detailed brief for pre-selection
Becoming your ambassador: sharing the same values, we present you with dignity
100% recruitment contract renewal by our clients
Legal entity: BK Plus Sp. z o.o. Aleja Niepodległości, 881G, 81-861 Sopot, Poland